Ice maintenance

This page is your fastest source of information on ice resurfacing or maintenance related to the ice rink of Tartu Town Hall Square, the capacity and availability of the rink as well as weather and ice conditions. All of this makes your visit to the most important square in Tartu to practice ice skating – one of the most romantic and fun forms of entertainment in the world – as smooth as possible.

Please note that ice maintenance will take place twice a day as follows and this is when one cannot skate: from 2 p.m. til 2.30 p.m. and from 5.30 p.m. til 6 p.m.

Please also note that skate rental will close 45 minutes prior to ice maintenance.

Unscheduled maintenance work may occur if it is deemed necessary, i.e. based on the usage of the ice rink. Thank you for your understanding if so.
For the most up to date news please check below the Facebook account of the rink:

See you at the Kissing Students!

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